Friday, February 15, 2008

Something to look at

Today David and Karen Warfield dropped by the church to give me us a present. When I was at Central for the Wednesday night Lenten service I noticed the pulpit scarf that they had hanging up front. I was moved by it and after the service I asked Karen is she had bought it or if she had made it. When she indicated that she made it, I promptly asked her if she could make us one.

Visuals have the ability to excite our imagination. I remember several years ago Amy Rezendes and Allison Keithley made a number of banners for us to enjoy during Lent and Easter. We used them for several years and they added something different to our worship experience. The same thing happens when we add the candles and greens at Christmas.

We have a beautiful sanctuary with two marvelous stained glass windows depicting the Lord. When we add a few small touches here and there it stimulates our senses and helps us feel like we are truly on holy ground. I hope you enjoy the image on the pulpit as we talk about the human face of the great "I AM."


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