Friday, February 8, 2008

Prayer and purpose

This morning I visited a family that is going through a very difficult time. I stopped by to prayer for them. The mom is facing a serious health crisis and the dad is caring for her and their three girls. A few weeks ago I mentioned in church that we were looking for folks who can make a dinner/casserole for the family. This morning I talked to the family and told them that Sue Ferguson will be in charge of co-ordinating the efforts. Sue is making a schedule and setting up a rotation. If you would like to prepare something you can reach Sue at 822-6321. This will be a great help to Mark as he care for his wife and family.

This afternoon I picked up a new book to read entitled, "90 Minutes in Heaven" by Don Piper. It was given to me by Ken Taylor. It is a great book about a man who died and had a vision of heaven. Then he goes on to tell the miracle of his recovery from a terrible accident. The whole book is an amazing story that forces you to think about the power of prayer. I might suggest we read it together next fall.

I also ordered the curriculum for Rick Warren's "Purpose Filled Life" and hope to use it for a Bible Study after Easter.

As I was thinking about Don Piper's story, the difficulties of this family at church and Rick Warren's course, it struck me that we can learn so much from each other. As we come together and share our struggles and our stories, we can begin to discover the ways that God steps into our lives to bring us hope.


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