Friday, November 27, 2009

Wednesday night thanksgiving service

On Wednesday night we met for our weekly mid-week service. The Praise team led us in singing and I told of a Thanksgiving miracle. I got a call that someone on Tuesday afternoon who had a large turkey to give but it couldn't be delivered until Wednesday night. I scrambled to think of someone who could use it. I made a call and the family I connected with wasn't planning on a turkey dinner because things were kind of tight this year. She was delighted to hear my voice and she gratefully accepted the turkey and all the fixings that went with it.

We had eighteen people present for our service as we sang and prayed. An old friend of mine was present and Jim asked us for prayer. He had recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and he asked us to lay hands on him like it suggests in the book of James. We did and we prayed for his healing.

I then preached about deliverance and how God is always with us and ready to answer the call when we feel tempted or when we feel under fire or attack by the devil or simply when the world is too much for us. He will deliver us from evil.


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