Monday, November 30, 2009

The first Sunday of Advent

On Sunday we celebrated the first Sunday of Advent and the church looked beautiful. Rosie Main did the call to worship and we went right into the singing of the advent carol, "O Come, O Come Emmanuel." We ran out of bulletins and although that is a problem for the ushers, it is always a good thing for attendance. We had 108 people present and the church had a kind of glow. The choir sang "Rejoice, Rejoice Emmanuel" and it fit right in with the theme of hope that was struck in the lighting of the advent candle.

My message was a reminder that no matter what is happening in the world around us, God is always in charge. I pointed out how Jesus was born in Bethlehem because a pagan ruler had come to power in a pagan nation and decided to have a census. This forced Joseph and Mary to travel from home to the city of their ancestor David's birth. You couldn't have planned it if you tried but in these coincidental acts God made sure that the prophet's predictions were fulfilled. So if God could maneuver those events, he certainly can work miracles and blessing in our lives.

We finished the day by singing a hymn of expectation and closed the service b pointing to the hope that is embodied in the manger that carried the prince of peace.


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