Gwyn Green sang during the service as well. She strummed the guitar and sang the old song, "He Touched Me." Afterwards I encouraged others to let me know if they wanted to offer up special music for the summer. The summer months give us the opportunity to be a little freer in our worship.
Sunday School is now in it's summer recess. We take a break from regular choir rehearsals and worship tends to be a little less formal. Some people travel and are away on vacation but many continue to worship during the summer without having to worry about teaching or rehearsing or even serving in ways they do from September to May. One person I spoke to a few years ago said, "It's nice to be able to come to church and worship without thinking about what I have to do next or rush in from what I was just finishing up."
I hope you will take advantage of the more relaxed approach to worship this summer. Don't stay away simply because you aren't directly involved in one of the ministries. Come and be blessed. Worship is still at 10:30 a.m. through the end of June. We move to 9:30 a.m. on July 4th through and including Labor Day.
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