Friday, August 15, 2008

What you do is important

As I mentioned previously, Sandy is away on vacation. As I come to the end of the week I have to confess that I am rapidly becoming aware of just how much I depend on her. I can't find anything. I can't put anything away. I even had to do the whole Sunday Bulletin and believe me, I forgot how much work it takes.

Sandy works about twelve hours a week and then some. We don't pay her very much and we expect her not only to work during the week but to be available on Sunday mornings too, when she is here as just another member.

We sure notice when things don't get done. It's funny but the same can be said about so many people at church. A number of you volunteer to do little jobs that turn out to be so important in the life of the church.

For example we have done away with the nursery list for the summer. That means every week we are depending on someone to volunteer to do it at a moment's notice. so far we have been fortunate. But it only goes to show how important those people are who volunteer to take a regular turn from September to June.

The same is true for the obvious jobs that people take as Sunday School teachers and helpers, praise team and choir members, property committee members and officers. But we also depend on ushers, counters, cooks and bakers, our landscapers and plant waterers, as well as those who drop in and do impromptu clean ups in the kitchens, bathrooms and common areas. We are blessed with people who help with the sound, bring in food for the pantry, help send out the newsletter and volunteer at the Interfaith luncheon or CROP Walk.

I know I've only hit the surface but my point is this: What you do at church is important. Your volunteering makes life a blessing for someone else. So think about it. When you volunteer or help out at church, it is your gift to God and your whole church family.

For those of us who benefit from it, let's remember to say "thank you." Those two words will be a gift that will warm their hearts and encourage them.


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