Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Finding our place to serve

On Monday night the Church Nominating Committee met to consider who would lead our congregation and serve in the various ministries for the coming year. Some people look at being nominated for a committee or office as a real chore. I look at it as a recognition by someone else of one's gifts and calling.

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone is considered for an office. Some people just don't fit at a given time. Maybe that's you or me this year. But if you are called, then please know that someone prayerfully lifted up your name. If you have the slightest inkling that you would enjoy the task, then go for it. You will not only bless us, but you will be blessed as well as you serve God and the community.

If you don't get a call it doesn't mean that there isn't a place in our ministry for you. Maybe you have been thinking about a place you'd like to serve or some ministry you would like to get involved with. We have several tasks, jobs and ministries that are a part of our church life that aren't run by committees. Things are done by people who feel called to step up and do them.

That's how all of our sports ministries began. This is how our church nursery operates. The worship leaders, counters, parents who help with youth group, members of the choir and praise team all volunteer to help.

The truth is that every member of our congregation should have a ministry within the church and a ministry out in the world. Drop me a note or come see me if you want to know what you can do or if you want to find your ministry out in the world. We can pray about it.


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