On Thursday evening we met for the 209
th Annual Meeting of the First Baptist Church. Reports were presented on the activities of the past year. A motion was made to accept the reports with a few minor changes and place them on file for all to see. It was passed and now the booklet is available at church for all members and friends to peruse.
We then enjoyed a slideshow of sights and scenes from the last year.
We followed that with a few items of business. The report of the By-laws committee was tabled until the Spring Quarterly meeting. Prior to that meeting a list of the proposed changes will be on display for all the members to see. Most of the changes being proposed are aimed at clarification or spelling and grammatical mistakes in the previous documents.
The Church budget for 2009 was presented by Bob Sullivan and me. George
Rezendes and Curt
Brockway noted that the $103,000 in pledges reflected a net increase of six new families making a pledge this year. A major gift of $9,500 was also noted. After some discussion about how the donations from our ethnic churches are recorded, a church budget of $167,953 was approved.
Our mission budget was presented by Nancy Allen. She noted that the only real changes were in two new "in and out" items. These areas will be funded only to the level that they
receive gifts. We added a category for targeted giving for Rick and Mercy Barnes, our special
interest missionaries in Mexico. We are hoping
families will adopt them for a month and give $50 toward their salary for a total of $600. We also added a $1,000 line item for the mission trip to Mexico. All donations made to that will go in that line item. The total mission budget of $12, 133 was passed.
Oliver Bray offered the report of the nominating
committee and a slate of officer, boards and committees was put forward for us to discuss. It was noted that we had not listed a treasurer. I told the group that we had a candidate that we were talking to but he had not accepted yet. It was decided that when the nominating secured a candidate for treasurer and determined who the representative from the Stewardship Committee would be to the Board of Trustees that we would hold a special, very brief, meeting, during worship and elect them to office. We thanked Bob Sullivan, our retiring treasurer, and all those who were stepping down from office this year, for their service to the church.
Moderator Curt
Brockway then turned the meeting over to me and we spent some time looking at our ministry and celebrating what we do well and making suggestions for what we could do to improve or enhance what we are doing.
In worship we celebrated the following:*We involve others in leading worship through the use of worship assistants. It's nice to hear other people's voices. We could use even more volunteers.
* We enjoy the various styles of music and the sources that offer them. Solos, choir, praise team all enhance worship. The various types of music (contemporary, classical, sacred, country, gospel) touch everyone.
* We like the circle of fellowship at the end of communion service.
* We like the fact that children are included in worship. They are there for the offering, to witness baptisms, and are a part of worship through the Children's time.
* We like having Muriel talk to the kids. Someone commented that she needs a microphone so everyone can hear her.
* We like the prayer time. It is important and every week it allows people to be in communion with God. We also like the fact that every prayer request is not repeated again in the pastoral prayer.
* We like the invitation for prayer that was offered last week. Occasional invitations and altar calls are good additions to the service.
* We like the Pastoral leadership, preaching and spirit of worship that is being offered today.
* We like the way Adele sets the tone and mood of worship through her leadership on the organ and in the music ministry.
Then we asked the question: What can we do to improve our worship time?
* Using the name tags would help us get to know one another a little better.
* Make sure every visitor or newcomer is greeted in our greeting time, with some kind of a special outreach (we mentioned the bread program one church uses) by giving visitors a coupon for some special meal or event. In general we want to try to do a better job of making newcomers feel welcome so they will come back again.
* We want to do more to recognize special events in peoples lives. We want to tell each other that we care when a baby is born, someone retires, someone is married or a loved one dies.
* We liked the patriotic music last week. Can we use it more?
* We'd like to see even more
special music in the service. More solos and duets. More anthems. We love the music at
* We would like to have better instructions in the bulletin for newcomers. When to eat and drink during communion was mentioned as an example. Noting the words for
Edelweiss are in the bulletin was another one.
* We'd also like the music as well as the words in the bulletin for the songs offered by the praise team.
The Second Area We looked at was Mission and Outreach. We asked:
What Do You like about the things we are doing in mission and outreach currently?
* We talked about the efforts surrounding our
Missional Church emphasis. Those who participated in our giveaway last month applauded us going out into the neighborhood. Others wanted to know more about it and what we were going to do next.
* We celebrated our
participation in the Interfaith luncheons.
* We applauded our efforts of supporting local mission interest like Madonna Place, The soup Kitchen and other agencies.
* We lifted up our participation in interfaith and ecumenical events like CROP walk.
* We noted the ministry of my weekly column to our community.
* We highlighted our long history of outreach through the sports ministries.
Then we asked, "Is there more we can be doing as part of our outreach ministry?
* It was suggested that we reach out to those people who are absent from worship. Each of us can make phone calls and check in with those we have a relationship with when they are away for a time.
* It was suggested that we have a lay led team of people who visit the sick and those in the nursing homes. this could double the Pastor's efforts and say we care. Training may be needed but it could be a special outreach ministry of the congregation.
* We also added
home bound communion to the list of things to offer.
* A community vegetable garden was suggested as a way to reach out into the neighborhood. some one said we may already have one at the Martin Luther King Center. Another person suggested finding out and seeing if we could add to it.
The Final area we looked at was Children and Education. We asked
What Are we doing now that is good in the area of Children and Education?* We have a lot of little ones in Sunday School
* We have a large adult class.
* We have interesting Bible Studies.
* We offer quality child care during worship.
* We recognize our youth in special Sundays and with a scholarship.
* The Children's time in worship makes the children feel welcome.
Then we asked the question, How can we improve what we are doing?
* Increase the involvement of the youth in worship. We could have children light candles for example.
* We could
highlight a different Sunday School class each month and invite the children to do something in worship.
* We could start a youth choir.
* We could offer more arts and crafts during Sunday School.
* We could provide a snack during nursery care time. It is a long morning.
At 8:35 we closed the meeting by remembering the three members of our church who passed away in 2008, Hal
Brockway, Stephen Roscoe and Bill
Rossoll in a moment of silence.
It was a good meeting and we hope it will be the start of a good year in the life of First Baptist Church.
PS If you have thoughts about our ministries and suggestions on
things we might consider doing, please drop me a note or make a comment on this blog entry.