Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Creativity rules when we have free time in the office

I love it when I have time to be creative. This morning I got to the office and began creating a brochure for our upcoming Marriage Seminar at Camp Wightman on April 4 & 5. I think in another life I would have been a graphic designer. When I was working on my Doctorate I read several books on design and I like it a lot. The problem with doing anything creative is that it takes time.

In order to do this brochure I had to review the materials for the seminar and then go on-line and look for graphics. Then I had to do the lay-out and make it fit. I want the brochure to be attractive enough to get people to look at it and then decide if they will sign up for the course or not.

This seminar is something I have been wanting to do for a while. Over the last six or seven years we have had several couples in church break up. I know there are all kinds of reasons for this but I feel that we are called to do more in the church to help strengthen marriages before they come to the critical breaking point. This seminar is the first step. It has been in the works for a while. I believe God is going to bless those who attend.

Right now we have four couples signed up and we have space for six more. I hope to have the brochure available on line in the next day or two. It will give you a better idea of what is going to happen.

I also have several other projects that are in the works this week, including putting together bulletins for our upcoming holiday services and putting together the little drama for Maundy Thursday. So it should be fun the next couple of days.

Tonight we had choir rehearsal and the group was working on the anthem for our Community Lenten Service tomorrow night. We are hosting the service t 7:00 p.m. and I will be preaching on Mary and Martha. Come join us if you are free and bring snack to share at the coffee hour following the service.


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