Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A day of worship

We had another great Sunday that began with Sunday School and concluded with our Video Bible Discussion later that night.

Lori Lord welcomed everyone in the morning. We sang a few of our favorite songs to get things started. After a Bible quiz, we took up the offering, prayed and then broke out into classes. The Adult class is studying the Book of I Corinthians this Fall and having great discussions. Pam Kane and Kelly Bolin are working with the kids in grades 3 -5. Rachelle Weimer, Janet LaFlamme and Zelda Earle are teaching the youth in grades K- 2. Mary Brockway is working with the middle school kids and I am using Rob Bell's videos as a discussion starter for the Senior High. Fran Rogers and Sandra Lucien are loving our nursery and pre-school kids and teaching them about the love of God.

Each week we seem to have someone new joining us and that's always good. People come and go as their schedule allows and we always have room for more kids. So if you haven't come yet, don't hesitate to start this week.

At worship we continued with our series of sermons on the Sermon on the Mount. Peace was the the theme of the day and we sang "I've got Peace like a River" and "It is Well With My Soul." Our choir sang a variation on the hymn, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" and Steve Contois, Anna and Cheryl Dutrumble offered some special music.

My message was titled, "The Prize Is In the Box" and to punctuate my point I pulled out a package of Cracker Jacks and grabbed the prize inside. It was a temporary tattoo. I noted that when you work for peace, God gives you the prize in the form of an immediate blessing. God's peace fills you up.

Here is the whole order of service in case you missed it.

Prelude Adele DiBiagio
Call to Worship Pete Adams
*Processional Hymn“Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven” No. 22
*Words of Welcome
*Greeting One Another
*A Prayer to Celebrate the Lord's Presence
& *The Gloria Patri No. 620

Responsive Reading (page 900 in the Pew Bible) Psalm 65

Worship In Song and Deed

Worship Through the Offering of Our Gifts, Talents and Tithes
The Offertory *Doxology (No. 623) *Prayer of Dedication

Special Music “God Loves You And Me” Cheryl Dutrumble
and Steve Contois

The Children's Moment

Sharing the Good News

The Choir Anthem “Come Thou Fount”
The Prayers of the People
The Pastor's Prayer The Lord’s Prayer (Using Trespasses)

Celebrating God's Word For Today

Scripture Reading (page 1830 in the Pew Bible) Philippians 4:4-8

*A Hymn “Peace Like A River” No. 360

The Sermon “The Prize Is In The Box”

*Closing Hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” No. 453

*Benediction & Response

Organ Postlude Adele DiBiagio
*Please stand if you are able

At 6:30 p.m. we gathered to watch Rob Bell's Zooma video titled, "Dust." It spoke about what it means to be a disciple. We had a good discussion and talked about the fact that Jesus called ordinary people like us to do his work in the world.

By 8:00 p.m. we were heading home and looking forward to the week ahead and the opportunity to come together again next week.


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