On Thursday night I conducted my last meeting as the Chairman of the Board of Pierce Care up in Brooklyn, Connecticut. I came on the Board in April of 2006 and began serving as President in October of 2006. We were reeling for a shake up that devastated the Board and my job was to help bring back some stability and civility. I can proudly say that I have done that.
Robert Avena takes over and he is a good man. He has served on the Executive Board for four years and as treasurer the last two years. He is an attorney and is the wife of Rev. Erica Wimber Avena. We also have some representation on the Board from our church. Scot Rapoza, June Deptulski, Gwyn Green and newly elected Mark Kane all serve on the Board. June was elected as the Vice Chairman this week.
Pierce Memorial Baptist Home began with a gift from the Pierce Family in the 1950's. They wanted to see a home established for elderly Baptist women. By the early 1960's the home had expanded and become more of what we would know as a nursing home. An addition was put on the building in the early 1970's and again in the late 1980's. In 1999 Creamery Brook was built which provided congregate housing for independent residents and it became part of a continuum of care. In 2007 we added the Cottages. These are separate duplexes that offer independent living in a home with a garage. This year we are on the verge of launching our own health care agency which allows us to give Pierce Care to people in their homes.
We've come a long way! You will hear more about thew ministry in coming months. It is one of the things we support with our benevolence budget.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
45 MPH services
On Wednesday night we talked about how much God loved the world. This Fall we have been working through the Gospel of John in our messages. We've also been praying for different families in the congregation. along with the normal prayers for healing and comfort, we've also been praying for seven families each week. We've been asking God to bless them and to meet their needs. It has been a nice addition to our line-up.
We have been blessed to have Cheryl Dutrumble and Steve Contois lead our singing each week. When the Praise team broke up because Fred and Gwyn Green left to tend to family matters, we weren't sure what we were going to do. We were back in the same place we were before Steve Contois and Cliff Vanase stepped up to offer some guitar back up in the early 00's. This week Robert Phillips pulled out the overhead projector and put up the words to the music so some of us memory challenged participants could sing along. It was great.
We've been calling our services "45 MPH" worship. That's because they offer us a chance to slow down for music, prayer and a word of hope. We have averaged 18 people each week and that's not counting Caleb Dutrumble because he has to be there. The rest of us choose to get together. This past week we have 23 people present.
Speaking of prayer, lift up Bob Duntz. He has been in Yale New Haven Hospital following by-pass surgery. Think of Jane Seder too. She is doing rehabilitation following her emergency surgery to repair a broken leg. And remember Jenna, our 9 year old friend who is battling cancer.
We have been blessed to have Cheryl Dutrumble and Steve Contois lead our singing each week. When the Praise team broke up because Fred and Gwyn Green left to tend to family matters, we weren't sure what we were going to do. We were back in the same place we were before Steve Contois and Cliff Vanase stepped up to offer some guitar back up in the early 00's. This week Robert Phillips pulled out the overhead projector and put up the words to the music so some of us memory challenged participants could sing along. It was great.
We've been calling our services "45 MPH" worship. That's because they offer us a chance to slow down for music, prayer and a word of hope. We have averaged 18 people each week and that's not counting Caleb Dutrumble because he has to be there. The rest of us choose to get together. This past week we have 23 people present.
Speaking of prayer, lift up Bob Duntz. He has been in Yale New Haven Hospital following by-pass surgery. Think of Jane Seder too. She is doing rehabilitation following her emergency surgery to repair a broken leg. And remember Jenna, our 9 year old friend who is battling cancer.
Fun in the choir
On Tuesday night we were singing God's praises. Of course we do that every week at our choir rehearsals but it was fun because we had a few guests. Shawn Rucker was back and Robert Phillips came back a second week. That was good news because some of us always worry whether we will scare newcomers away because we have so much fun. Curt Brockway, Paul and Carol Johnson were with us too. They signed up to sing with us in the choir festival. It was really nice to have a strong men's section again.
This past spring we lost several faithful members. Patricia Ohlund moved to Lebanon and is now going to the Lebanon Baptist Church. Fred and Gwyn Green were pulled away because of family commitments. Cliff Vanase also decided to take a break.
Adele DiBiagio gives her heart and soul to the choir and we really want to work hard to pay her back. Most musicians don't do what they do for the money. That's true with Adele. She does it because she loves us and wants to see us do our best as we lead worship every week.
We are taping our choir this fall and I hope to have a compilation of our anthems up on the church web site sometime in the next few weeks. I think you will enjoy it.
Mark your calendars now and put down November 14 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Mark's Lutheran Church on Washington Street. That's the date of the Annual Choir Festival. It is always a lot of fun and a great night. We get to see what is happening in Christ's churches across the city. See you there.
This past spring we lost several faithful members. Patricia Ohlund moved to Lebanon and is now going to the Lebanon Baptist Church. Fred and Gwyn Green were pulled away because of family commitments. Cliff Vanase also decided to take a break.
Adele DiBiagio gives her heart and soul to the choir and we really want to work hard to pay her back. Most musicians don't do what they do for the money. That's true with Adele. She does it because she loves us and wants to see us do our best as we lead worship every week.
We are taping our choir this fall and I hope to have a compilation of our anthems up on the church web site sometime in the next few weeks. I think you will enjoy it.
Mark your calendars now and put down November 14 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Mark's Lutheran Church on Washington Street. That's the date of the Annual Choir Festival. It is always a lot of fun and a great night. We get to see what is happening in Christ's churches across the city. See you there.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Hospital and convalescent home visits
On Monday I traveled down to Yale - New Haven Hospital to visit Bob Duntz in the cardiac ICU after his double by-pass surgery on Sunday. He was doing well according to his doctors, but the first 48 hours are critical to long term health. I prayed with him and his mom, Bev Duntz. Bob has had an amazing ability to bounce back in the past and we pray his streak will continue.
On the way back home I stopped in to visit Jane Seder at Bridebrook Rehabilitiation Center in East Lyme. She is doing well after her surgery a week ago Sunday. She will be there at least another two to three weeks. We are praying she will be home well before Thanksgiving.
I didn't bring a blanket down to Bob because I knew he was in the ICU and couldn't have one but I did notice that Jane had hers on the bed. We have been giving our "No Sew" blankets to people that have hospital or convalescent stays. The people have loved getting them. So thank you to all who have taken the time to make them. They have become reminders of God's love and faithfulness in times of need.
On the way back home I stopped in to visit Jane Seder at Bridebrook Rehabilitiation Center in East Lyme. She is doing well after her surgery a week ago Sunday. She will be there at least another two to three weeks. We are praying she will be home well before Thanksgiving.
I didn't bring a blanket down to Bob because I knew he was in the ICU and couldn't have one but I did notice that Jane had hers on the bed. We have been giving our "No Sew" blankets to people that have hospital or convalescent stays. The people have loved getting them. So thank you to all who have taken the time to make them. They have become reminders of God's love and faithfulness in times of need.
A day of worship
We had another great Sunday that began with Sunday School and concluded with our Video Bible Discussion later that night.
Lori Lord welcomed everyone in the morning. We sang a few of our favorite songs to get things started. After a Bible quiz, we took up the offering, prayed and then broke out into classes. The Adult class is studying the Book of I Corinthians this Fall and having great discussions. Pam Kane and Kelly Bolin are working with the kids in grades 3 -5. Rachelle Weimer, Janet LaFlamme and Zelda Earle are teaching the youth in grades K- 2. Mary Brockway is working with the middle school kids and I am using Rob Bell's videos as a discussion starter for the Senior High. Fran Rogers and Sandra Lucien are loving our nursery and pre-school kids and teaching them about the love of God.
Each week we seem to have someone new joining us and that's always good. People come and go as their schedule allows and we always have room for more kids. So if you haven't come yet, don't hesitate to start this week.
At worship we continued with our series of sermons on the Sermon on the Mount. Peace was the the theme of the day and we sang "I've got Peace like a River" and "It is Well With My Soul." Our choir sang a variation on the hymn, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" and Steve Contois, Anna and Cheryl Dutrumble offered some special music.
My message was titled, "The Prize Is In the Box" and to punctuate my point I pulled out a package of Cracker Jacks and grabbed the prize inside. It was a temporary tattoo. I noted that when you work for peace, God gives you the prize in the form of an immediate blessing. God's peace fills you up.
Here is the whole order of service in case you missed it.
Prelude Adele DiBiagio
Call to Worship Pete Adams
*Processional Hymn“Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven” No. 22
*Words of Welcome
*Greeting One Another
*A Prayer to Celebrate the Lord's Presence
& *The Gloria Patri No. 620
Responsive Reading (page 900 in the Pew Bible) Psalm 65
Worship In Song and Deed
Worship Through the Offering of Our Gifts, Talents and Tithes
The Offertory *Doxology (No. 623) *Prayer of Dedication
Special Music “God Loves You And Me” Cheryl Dutrumble
and Steve Contois
The Children's Moment
Sharing the Good News
The Choir Anthem “Come Thou Fount”
The Prayers of the People
The Pastor's Prayer The Lord’s Prayer (Using Trespasses)
Celebrating God's Word For Today
Scripture Reading (page 1830 in the Pew Bible) Philippians 4:4-8
*A Hymn “Peace Like A River” No. 360
The Sermon “The Prize Is In The Box”
*Closing Hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” No. 453
*Benediction & Response
Organ Postlude Adele DiBiagio
*Please stand if you are able
At 6:30 p.m. we gathered to watch Rob Bell's Zooma video titled, "Dust." It spoke about what it means to be a disciple. We had a good discussion and talked about the fact that Jesus called ordinary people like us to do his work in the world.
By 8:00 p.m. we were heading home and looking forward to the week ahead and the opportunity to come together again next week.
Lori Lord welcomed everyone in the morning. We sang a few of our favorite songs to get things started. After a Bible quiz, we took up the offering, prayed and then broke out into classes. The Adult class is studying the Book of I Corinthians this Fall and having great discussions. Pam Kane and Kelly Bolin are working with the kids in grades 3 -5. Rachelle Weimer, Janet LaFlamme and Zelda Earle are teaching the youth in grades K- 2. Mary Brockway is working with the middle school kids and I am using Rob Bell's videos as a discussion starter for the Senior High. Fran Rogers and Sandra Lucien are loving our nursery and pre-school kids and teaching them about the love of God.
Each week we seem to have someone new joining us and that's always good. People come and go as their schedule allows and we always have room for more kids. So if you haven't come yet, don't hesitate to start this week.
At worship we continued with our series of sermons on the Sermon on the Mount. Peace was the the theme of the day and we sang "I've got Peace like a River" and "It is Well With My Soul." Our choir sang a variation on the hymn, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" and Steve Contois, Anna and Cheryl Dutrumble offered some special music.
My message was titled, "The Prize Is In the Box" and to punctuate my point I pulled out a package of Cracker Jacks and grabbed the prize inside. It was a temporary tattoo. I noted that when you work for peace, God gives you the prize in the form of an immediate blessing. God's peace fills you up.
Here is the whole order of service in case you missed it.
Prelude Adele DiBiagio
Call to Worship Pete Adams
*Processional Hymn“Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven” No. 22
*Words of Welcome
*Greeting One Another
*A Prayer to Celebrate the Lord's Presence
& *The Gloria Patri No. 620
Responsive Reading (page 900 in the Pew Bible) Psalm 65
Worship In Song and Deed
Worship Through the Offering of Our Gifts, Talents and Tithes
The Offertory *Doxology (No. 623) *Prayer of Dedication
Special Music “God Loves You And Me” Cheryl Dutrumble
and Steve Contois
The Children's Moment
Sharing the Good News
The Choir Anthem “Come Thou Fount”
The Prayers of the People
The Pastor's Prayer The Lord’s Prayer (Using Trespasses)
Celebrating God's Word For Today
Scripture Reading (page 1830 in the Pew Bible) Philippians 4:4-8
*A Hymn “Peace Like A River” No. 360
The Sermon “The Prize Is In The Box”
*Closing Hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” No. 453
*Benediction & Response
Organ Postlude Adele DiBiagio
*Please stand if you are able
At 6:30 p.m. we gathered to watch Rob Bell's Zooma video titled, "Dust." It spoke about what it means to be a disciple. We had a good discussion and talked about the fact that Jesus called ordinary people like us to do his work in the world.
By 8:00 p.m. we were heading home and looking forward to the week ahead and the opportunity to come together again next week.
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Korean Church family celebrates
On Sunday afternoon I joined Mark and Fran Rogers and their girls at the Korean Methodist Church's Sixth Anniversary service. We represented our church well. Rev. Dr. Daniel Song hosted the service and asked me to bring greetings from the First Baptist family. Then we joined them singing God's praises.
Even though I couldn't understand much of what Rev. Song said during the service, you could tell that he was filled with the Holy Spirit as he preached. He was excited as he talked about God's call upon the church. He threw in a few phrases in English as he talked about God calling them to minister here in southeastern Connecticut in the shadow of the casinos.
I was very proud of the fact that we had opened the door for this ministry. I remember how Rev. song came to our Wednesday night services back in the winter of 2003-04 and worshiped with us. He didn't know much English but he sat there and prayed. That summer he approached us about starting a ministry for Korean immigrants. Our church voted to welcome them.
Those first months were very difficult. Daniel averaged three or four people. It had to be discouraging. Yet he labored on. A bit later Daniel married and felt called to leave the area. In the interim period the church had two other pastors. But then two years ago Daniel returned and from that point on the church has blossomed. He wrote me a few weeks ago and told me that they had 37 people in worship. It was a new high.
Praise God for Rev. Daniel Song and his flock. You could feel God's joy in that service on Sunday.
Even though I couldn't understand much of what Rev. Song said during the service, you could tell that he was filled with the Holy Spirit as he preached. He was excited as he talked about God's call upon the church. He threw in a few phrases in English as he talked about God calling them to minister here in southeastern Connecticut in the shadow of the casinos.
I was very proud of the fact that we had opened the door for this ministry. I remember how Rev. song came to our Wednesday night services back in the winter of 2003-04 and worshiped with us. He didn't know much English but he sat there and prayed. That summer he approached us about starting a ministry for Korean immigrants. Our church voted to welcome them.
Those first months were very difficult. Daniel averaged three or four people. It had to be discouraging. Yet he labored on. A bit later Daniel married and felt called to leave the area. In the interim period the church had two other pastors. But then two years ago Daniel returned and from that point on the church has blossomed. He wrote me a few weeks ago and told me that they had 37 people in worship. It was a new high.
Praise God for Rev. Daniel Song and his flock. You could feel God's joy in that service on Sunday.
Mission plans decided for 2011
Yesterday we met after church with representatives from both Central and First Baptist Church to talk about our plans for a 2011 mission trip. We decided earlier that we would not return to Mexicali this year while Rick and Mercy Barnes were on home assignment. We do hope to send a gift to El Buen Samaritano though.
We talked about heading west to work with some of our Native American partners on one of the reservations or heading south to work with others who are still working to rebuild on the Gulf Coast after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.
At our meeting Melanie reported that we did not have much success in locating a place needing our help out west. Every phone call produced a dead end. On a positive note she did manage to find a great program sponsored by the United Methodists that is co-ordinating efforts to rebuild homes in Louisiana. So we voted to work with them.
We will be heading to Slidell, Louisiana between August 9th -16th to work on the Epworth Project. This program works in conjunction with the Northshore Disaster Recovery Inc to provide spiritual, emotional and physical resources to those affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Projects include general contracting, carpentry, cabinetry, framing, insulation,drywall hanging, flooring, plumbing and roofing.
The group will fly down to New Orleans and drive 30 minutes to Slidell to a dorm facility where it will be housed for the week. We will be cooking our own meals and be responsible for our own transportation. More information on the Mission work and the project can be found at www.epworthministries.com. There is also a facebook page at Project Noah.
We have limited the group to 20 participants between the ages of 14 years and up. We estimte the total cost per person will be about $750 per person. There will be fundraisers to help offset the cost for the trip, including our annual Pasta Dinner and Auction tentatively scheduled for February 5 at Central Baptist.
Deposits of $100 will be needed by December 12 to secure your spot. All spots are on a first come, first served spot so get your deposit in early to insure your participation.
We have three meetings scheduled for particpants from now through the beginning of the year. The dates are
Nov 16 at 6 pm at Central Baptist - We will have a better idea of prices and talk about the Pasta Dinner fund raiser
December 14 at 6 pm at First Baptist - We will meet as a team and go over what we will need and expectations of the trip.
January 11 at 6 pm at Central Baptist - We will finalize plans for Pasta Dinner and report back on airline tickets and final budget numbers.
Please pass the word to other potential team members. This should be another great experience for those whom God has called to go with us.
Yours in Christ,
We talked about heading west to work with some of our Native American partners on one of the reservations or heading south to work with others who are still working to rebuild on the Gulf Coast after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.
At our meeting Melanie reported that we did not have much success in locating a place needing our help out west. Every phone call produced a dead end. On a positive note she did manage to find a great program sponsored by the United Methodists that is co-ordinating efforts to rebuild homes in Louisiana. So we voted to work with them.

Projects include general contracting, carpentry, cabinetry, framing, insulation,drywall hanging, flooring, plumbing and roofing.
The group will fly down to New Orleans and drive 30 minutes to Slidell to a dorm facility where it will be housed for the week. We will be cooking our own meals and be responsible for our own transportation. More information on the Mission work and the project can be found at www.epworthministries.com. There is also a facebook page at Project Noah.
We have limited the group to 20 participants between the ages of 14 years and up. We estimte the total cost per person will be about $750 per person. There will be fundraisers to help offset the cost for the trip, including our annual Pasta Dinner and Auction tentatively scheduled for February 5 at Central Baptist.
Deposits of $100 will be needed by December 12 to secure your spot. All spots are on a first come, first served spot so get your deposit in early to insure your participation.
We have three meetings scheduled for particpants from now through the beginning of the year. The dates are
Nov 16 at 6 pm at Central Baptist - We will have a better idea of prices and talk about the Pasta Dinner fund raiser
December 14 at 6 pm at First Baptist - We will meet as a team and go over what we will need and expectations of the trip.
January 11 at 6 pm at Central Baptist - We will finalize plans for Pasta Dinner and report back on airline tickets and final budget numbers.
Please pass the word to other potential team members. This should be another great experience for those whom God has called to go with us.
Yours in Christ,
Sunday morning celebrations
On Sunday morning we opened up our day of worship at First Baptist with Sunday School classes. Because the Korean congregation was planning to have a reception downstairs following their sixth anniversary service, we met in the sanctuary for opening exercises before breaking up to head to separate classrooms.
At 10:30 a.m. we opened up our worship celebration with singing and prayer. Bob Walker was the worship assistant and he welcomed everyone. Muriel Roderick had a message for the kids and I preached on Matthew 5:21-37. I talked about purity. The sixth beatitude states, "How happy are the pure of heart for they shall see God." I noted that we need to clean up our talk and refocus our eyes if we want to see God. I then pointed out that God wants a new heart in all of us and all we needed to do was turn to him and ask for it.
It was a nice service. The choir sang one of my favorite anthems, God of Grace. We sang an old gospel hymn, "Are You Washed in the Blood?" and a very popular one, "Living for Jesus" to close out the morning. The music was very nice.
Jerry and Anna Hurd were among those worshiping with us yesterday. They were married in our sanctuary one week before. Keely Backus was also with us as and we learned she was celebrating her second wedding anniversary. There were a lot of prayer concerns and several celebrations noted. It was all part of a good day.
At 10:30 a.m. we opened up our worship celebration with singing and prayer. Bob Walker was the worship assistant and he welcomed everyone. Muriel Roderick had a message for the kids and I preached on Matthew 5:21-37. I talked about purity. The sixth beatitude states, "How happy are the pure of heart for they shall see God." I noted that we need to clean up our talk and refocus our eyes if we want to see God. I then pointed out that God wants a new heart in all of us and all we needed to do was turn to him and ask for it.
It was a nice service. The choir sang one of my favorite anthems, God of Grace. We sang an old gospel hymn, "Are You Washed in the Blood?" and a very popular one, "Living for Jesus" to close out the morning. The music was very nice.
Jerry and Anna Hurd were among those worshiping with us yesterday. They were married in our sanctuary one week before. Keely Backus was also with us as and we learned she was celebrating her second wedding anniversary. There were a lot of prayer concerns and several celebrations noted. It was all part of a good day.
25th anniversary celebration in North Carolina
On Thursday I flew down to Chapel Hill, North Carolina to help my friends Mike and Kim Slomianyj celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Shortly after I arrived in Norwich they asked me to marry them. On October 12, 1985, with mums all around the sanctuary, Kim walked down the aisle to meet Mike at the platform.
On Friday night we recreated a bit of that magic in front of twenty friends and family members as they renewed their vows. Mike welcomed and thanked everyone and then turned the floor over to me. With tears in her eyes Kim said "I do" all over again.
Kim planned the party but she had no idea that I was coming. Mike arranged everything and wanted to surprise her. Of course I warned him that it was awful risky doing something like this. Even though it is a romantic gesture, she might say "no" this time.
He didn't have to worry. She was totally surprised and happy to go through the service and affirm her love for a second time.
Participating in these kind of services always make me glad that I went into ministry.
On Friday night we recreated a bit of that magic in front of twenty friends and family members as they renewed their vows. Mike welcomed and thanked everyone and then turned the floor over to me. With tears in her eyes Kim said "I do" all over again.
Kim planned the party but she had no idea that I was coming. Mike arranged everything and wanted to surprise her. Of course I warned him that it was awful risky doing something like this. Even though it is a romantic gesture, she might say "no" this time.
He didn't have to worry. She was totally surprised and happy to go through the service and affirm her love for a second time.
Participating in these kind of services always make me glad that I went into ministry.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Mercy is love in action
Here is that sermon I promised you. It is titled "Mercy is love in action and was preached on Sunday, October 10th. Sorry about the poor audio quality. I am working on making it better.
Monday morning ministry
Yesterday was a great day. I got up early and went to the gym. Then I drove out to Camp Wightman to pick up seven ladies who were in Connecticut for their Fall Retreat. They were members of the American Baptist Women's Ministries Executive Committee. I volunteered to drive them to the airport with our church van. I had the opportunity to show them around Norwich and brag a bit about our city.
After I dropped the ladies off at Bradley, I drove to Farmington to check in on Hillary and Lee McFalls. On Sunday night Hillary gave birth to Cameron and Logan McFalls. Both boys weighed in over 4 and 1/2 pounds and were doing very well. One of the boys needed a little boost with the oxygen for a few hours but by morning both of them were doing very well.
Emily and Margaret McFalls were at the hospital when I got there and both of them had the opportunity to see the babies and were very excited. Seeing newborns is definitely one of the best parts of my job as a pastor. I prayed with the family and then made my way back to Norwich.
As I passed through Colchester I stopped in to see Leon Dalbec. Leon i a good friend of mine from High School who is part of our extended church family. He supports the church and has come to worship off and on for many, many years.
When I finally got back to church the was a message on my machine that the small wedding that was planned for this coming Sunday had been called off. I contacted the bride and told her that I would be happy to oblige them when the time was right.
I finished my day by making a visit to one of our members who has been going through a tough time. I stopped in and dropped off a little gift from the Deacon's fund. We talked and we prayed.
As I made my way home I smiled and thanked God for a good day of ministry. I also thank you for making it possible.
After I dropped the ladies off at Bradley, I drove to Farmington to check in on Hillary and Lee McFalls. On Sunday night Hillary gave birth to Cameron and Logan McFalls. Both boys weighed in over 4 and 1/2 pounds and were doing very well. One of the boys needed a little boost with the oxygen for a few hours but by morning both of them were doing very well.
Emily and Margaret McFalls were at the hospital when I got there and both of them had the opportunity to see the babies and were very excited. Seeing newborns is definitely one of the best parts of my job as a pastor. I prayed with the family and then made my way back to Norwich.
As I passed through Colchester I stopped in to see Leon Dalbec. Leon i a good friend of mine from High School who is part of our extended church family. He supports the church and has come to worship off and on for many, many years.
When I finally got back to church the was a message on my machine that the small wedding that was planned for this coming Sunday had been called off. I contacted the bride and told her that I would be happy to oblige them when the time was right.
I finished my day by making a visit to one of our members who has been going through a tough time. I stopped in and dropped off a little gift from the Deacon's fund. We talked and we prayed.
As I made my way home I smiled and thanked God for a good day of ministry. I also thank you for making it possible.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday at church
Yesterday was an awesome day. It began with Sunday School and worship and ended with a Rob Bell video discussion.
I love Sundays at First Baptist Church. I think it begins with the anticipation of seeing all the people. As the kids and their parents start arriving for Sunday School I get excited. They are mostly pretty excited to be here. Once the opening exercises begin we get to sing all the kids songs that are so fun. Yesterday we sang the Butterfly Song and Jesus Loves Me. Every once in a while I try to sneak them into worship but I am told that these are kids songs. I love them just the same.
We are watching the Rob Bell series in my Senior High Class. I think the kids like it but they aren't a very talkative group. Of course it probably hurts that I fill the void. Yesterday we saw the segment titled Sunday. It talked about the fact that God wants to do is establish an intimate relationship with us but we hinder that sometimes by getting hung up on rituals and rules.
The Sunday School hour goes by pretty quickly. Then it is time for worship. We've been averaging about 95 people a week. I usually walk through the sanctuary early on Sunday mornings and pray for the people who will be there. After twenty five years in the pulpit, you get to know about where people sit each week. A lot of people settle into a pew and stay there for years. Others move around a bit. I always think that moving around gives you a little bit of perspective. But then again, I shouldn't talk because I am the ultimate creature of habit.
If I get a chance I like to greet some people before worship. It is harder during the year because I run from Sunday School to choir warm up and get back upstairs just before we process down the aisle. I still do it if I can.
I think we have a good choir. We lost a few people this past year but we still do a pretty good job. Our voices come together to give a good sound. I tell them all the time that I look at them as a partner in leading the worship service each week.
Yesterday Lee McFalls was supposed to be our worship assistant. He called in at 8:00 a.m. saying that his wife, Hillary, was having contractions and they needed to go to the hospital. It turns out that Hillary delivered twin boys at just after 11:30 p.m.. Cameron and Logan arrived about five weeks early but both of them were healthy and mom came through it OK.
I've been preaching a series of sermons on the Beatitudes and using the sermon on the mount in Matthew 5 - 7 as the context for them. Yesterday we talked about mercy. The message was well received. I've been excited by this series and fur of the five sermons have made my A list. I'll post the video of yesterday's sermon in the blog here tomorrow and you can judge for yourselves.
Sundays have been busy in the last month. Last week I participated in the Installation service of Willis McCaw at First Baptist Middletown. The week before I was down in Mystic at Union Baptist church participating in the installation service for Associate Pastor Rob James. Yesterday I had the afternoon free but took a little time to set up for our new, eight week video series with Rob Bell.
We had six of us show up for the initial session. It was titled Trees and in the video Rob talked about the fact that many Christians look at the Genesis story and the Revelation Story and live life looking forward to the new heaven and new earth. Believing in Christ becomes a
ticket to heaven. Yet he pointed out that this way of thinking doesn't speak to the here and now. Bell points out that what we do here is important. Jesus focused on how we should live, how we should treat others, how we should respect the earth and give God glory. Some good discussion followed. Next week we will be back at it again.
If I missed you this past week, I hope you will join us next week. I look forward to seeing you. God bless. Have a great week!
I love Sundays at First Baptist Church. I think it begins with the anticipation of seeing all the people. As the kids and their parents start arriving for Sunday School I get excited. They are mostly pretty excited to be here. Once the opening exercises begin we get to sing all the kids songs that are so fun. Yesterday we sang the Butterfly Song and Jesus Loves Me. Every once in a while I try to sneak them into worship but I am told that these are kids songs. I love them just the same.
We are watching the Rob Bell series in my Senior High Class. I think the kids like it but they aren't a very talkative group. Of course it probably hurts that I fill the void. Yesterday we saw the segment titled Sunday. It talked about the fact that God wants to do is establish an intimate relationship with us but we hinder that sometimes by getting hung up on rituals and rules.
The Sunday School hour goes by pretty quickly. Then it is time for worship. We've been averaging about 95 people a week. I usually walk through the sanctuary early on Sunday mornings and pray for the people who will be there. After twenty five years in the pulpit, you get to know about where people sit each week. A lot of people settle into a pew and stay there for years. Others move around a bit. I always think that moving around gives you a little bit of perspective. But then again, I shouldn't talk because I am the ultimate creature of habit.
If I get a chance I like to greet some people before worship. It is harder during the year because I run from Sunday School to choir warm up and get back upstairs just before we process down the aisle. I still do it if I can.
I think we have a good choir. We lost a few people this past year but we still do a pretty good job. Our voices come together to give a good sound. I tell them all the time that I look at them as a partner in leading the worship service each week.
Yesterday Lee McFalls was supposed to be our worship assistant. He called in at 8:00 a.m. saying that his wife, Hillary, was having contractions and they needed to go to the hospital. It turns out that Hillary delivered twin boys at just after 11:30 p.m.. Cameron and Logan arrived about five weeks early but both of them were healthy and mom came through it OK.
I've been preaching a series of sermons on the Beatitudes and using the sermon on the mount in Matthew 5 - 7 as the context for them. Yesterday we talked about mercy. The message was well received. I've been excited by this series and fur of the five sermons have made my A list. I'll post the video of yesterday's sermon in the blog here tomorrow and you can judge for yourselves.
Sundays have been busy in the last month. Last week I participated in the Installation service of Willis McCaw at First Baptist Middletown. The week before I was down in Mystic at Union Baptist church participating in the installation service for Associate Pastor Rob James. Yesterday I had the afternoon free but took a little time to set up for our new, eight week video series with Rob Bell.
We had six of us show up for the initial session. It was titled Trees and in the video Rob talked about the fact that many Christians look at the Genesis story and the Revelation Story and live life looking forward to the new heaven and new earth. Believing in Christ becomes a

If I missed you this past week, I hope you will join us next week. I look forward to seeing you. God bless. Have a great week!
Monday, October 4, 2010
A funeral that reminds us of the generations gone by
On Wednesday, September 22 we hosted a memorial service for Charles F. Hamblen. Charlie grew up in the church where his mother and father and his grandparents were active members of the congregation. His father, Charles P. Hamblen, was the Moderator of the church for many years and his mother, Elsie, sang in the choir. Charlie had a great voice and he was also very active in the music ministry of the church as a young man.
Charlie and Judy had a daughter, Bethany, and they lived on Huntington Lane in Norwichtown for many years. Charlie taught at Norwich Free Academy. He loved to read and especially enjoyed anything connected to history.
He will be missed by his family and friends.
Charlie and Judy had a daughter, Bethany, and they lived on Huntington Lane in Norwichtown for many years. Charlie taught at Norwich Free Academy. He loved to read and especially enjoyed anything connected to history.
He will be missed by his family and friends.
Habitat and the Norwich Baptists
We had 55 people join us at our Foundations Class for Habitat for Humanity on Monday, September 20th. Amanda Duntz welcomed everyone and then led us through the informational and safety sessions that are required to participate in building sessions.
This session was open to the public but we had a good number of people associated with First and Central Baptist Churches. Our hope is that we can plan a few days when we can work on a house as a group as well as encouraging people to get involved on their own.
The following people were certified at the meeting; Marc Vaillancourt, Ray & June Deptulski, Pete & Betsey Adams, Jake Shanks, Randy Sargent, George & Lois Strouse, Amy Rezendes, Rosie Rakowitz, Stephanie Mattos, Gwyn Green, Erica Corbett, Bob Sullivan, Carol Calkins, Sandy Stone, Chelsey Calkins, Meagan Malone, Kaitlyn Beavan, Andy & Melanie Schueurmann, Mark Salomon, Kathy Spielman and me.
We are planning our first group build on Saturday, October 30. We will be working at 18 Cape Ann Court in New London. The work day is from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m and they are looking for fifteen volunteers. To sign up you need to go to http://www.habitatsect.org/ and click on the "Volunteer up button on the top left hand corner of the page. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the FBC Norwich link.
If you have never volunteered before you will need to register and then sign up. For those who haven't taken the foundation course, you need to speak to Amanda Duntz. The next class is on October 9th is at the Habitat for Humanity Office from 10 - 11:30 a.m. You can sign up by registering online or by calling 860-442-7890. The address of the office is 377 Broad Street in New London.
This session was open to the public but we had a good number of people associated with First and Central Baptist Churches. Our hope is that we can plan a few days when we can work on a house as a group as well as encouraging people to get involved on their own.
The following people were certified at the meeting; Marc Vaillancourt, Ray & June Deptulski, Pete & Betsey Adams, Jake Shanks, Randy Sargent, George & Lois Strouse, Amy Rezendes, Rosie Rakowitz, Stephanie Mattos, Gwyn Green, Erica Corbett, Bob Sullivan, Carol Calkins, Sandy Stone, Chelsey Calkins, Meagan Malone, Kaitlyn Beavan, Andy & Melanie Schueurmann, Mark Salomon, Kathy Spielman and me.
We are planning our first group build on Saturday, October 30. We will be working at 18 Cape Ann Court in New London. The work day is from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m and they are looking for fifteen volunteers. To sign up you need to go to http://www.habitatsect.org/ and click on the "Volunteer up button on the top left hand corner of the page. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the FBC Norwich link.
If you have never volunteered before you will need to register and then sign up. For those who haven't taken the foundation course, you need to speak to Amanda Duntz. The next class is on October 9th is at the Habitat for Humanity Office from 10 - 11:30 a.m. You can sign up by registering online or by calling 860-442-7890. The address of the office is 377 Broad Street in New London.
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