Thursday, August 13, 2009

Our Property Committee's work is never done

A couple of weeks ago a group of guys came down to tackle a leaky roof at church. We rented a sixty foot boom and Randy Sargent and Dave Poore went up to replace some shingles. A leak had develop that was running down inside the chapel area. Several shingles had come loose and the pitch of the roof made it hard to climb up there and the scope of the job meant no roofer really wanted to do the job.

Mark Rogers orchestrated the events through the property committee and they got the job done. While up there they also rehung a few gutters and some other minor repairs. We have a very active Property Committee and they have done a number of projects over the last few years. That is par for the course with a building that is going on 130 years old. Our Church was built between 1880 - 1882 and was dedicated in 1883.

The last major project we worked on at church was done in 2003. We did some work in the sanctuary replacing the tiles floor and touching up the ceiling where it had begun to peel. Greg Maxim did the floor and we raised the money by having people buy tiles at $125 each. Ray O'Connell did the paining and we had the job done for just under $2,000.

In order to do the work we took out all the pews and it was quite a sight. Pews filled one of the chapel, the parlor and we even took a few downstairs where we worshipped that summer.

We have set our sights on renovating the church kitchen next. Our hope is that we might be able to do it some time in 2010.


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