Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gearing up for Sunday School

Our Sunday School opens on Sunday, September 13th. We met a few weeks ago and laid out plans for Rally Day. We also made sure that all the classes had teachers and had chosen the materials they wanted to use.

Rosie Main is going to teach the nursery class again with help from Sandra Lucien and a few of the other moms.

Rachelle Weimer, Janet LaFlamme and Zelda Earle will back and teaching our K - 2 class.

Pam Kane and Kelly Bolin will take over Dot Calkins' class this year which includes those in grades 3 -5. We will miss Dot and her able helper, Laura Kreger. THe kis loved them both.

I'll have the Junior/ Senior High Class.

Curt Brockway will be teaching the adult class.

Sandy Stone ordered all the materials this week and they arrived at the church today. The only class missing was mine. I couldn't settle on what I wanted to use for material.

It's a tough age to find material for because the kids don't want to sit and listen to me lecture them on the Bible. Most of the kids have spent years in Sunday School and they know the basics. They also are technically savvy. They live in a world with DVD's, ipods, computers and so much more.

Last year I used a combination of games, Bible studies and some old video resources that I had from past years. Bluefish tv does a great job with the video Bible studies and tonight I went online to see what they had new for 2009/2010. I was impressed with what I found. So I placed my order. I think this will engage the kids and get them thinking. There is a combination of Biblical materials and some issue related studies. Here is a sampler of one of the studies they provide. Let me know what you think.


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