Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Food for memory and thought

I cooked dinner the other night using a recipe I found in the First Baptist Church cookbook. We put them together as a fundraiser back in 1994. I no longer remember how much money we made but as I sift through the pages of the book, I see plenty of history in its pages.

The committee consisted of Patty Bell, Sue Damien, Geri Diehl, Buffy McFalls, Henry and June Pendleton, Amy Rezendes and Cynthia Strouse. They worked hard to collect recipes from as many members of the congregation as possible. Then we added some recipes from some members from the past. These recipes had been passed down and shared over the years. They added charm to the book.

The recipes came from multiple generations, and from all ages. For example Anita Lavallee shared her Quick Turkey Nachos with us and her grandmother, June Pendleton gave us a Dieter's Chili recipe. As you skim through the pages you see recipes from Will Willey for Salad Dressing Cake, Betty Eisan for Pappy's Spice Cookies, Kate Strouse Canada's Chicken Divan and Betty Watson's Pineapple Sweet Potato Casserole.

Of course you will also find some recipes from people you know too. Rosie Main gave us a Fruit Salad, Lori Lord gave us her Orange Salad, Lois Lopez contributed her Salmon Loaf and Debbie Bray her Vegetable Beef Stroganoff.

I especially like the recipes collected by the committee from members who had passed away. Dishes like Marguerite Peterson's Chuck Wagon Stew, Florence Leffingwell's Chicken Gumbo Hamburg, Rose Berniwer's Chicken Custard and Florence Kyle's Golden Cornbread are pure gems.

The cookbook gives us a slice of history and preserves some very good memories for those who lived through them. To think of Alison Keithley, Esther Lorriane, Doris Royce, Buffy McFalls, Amy Rezendes, Patty Bell, Betty Eisan and so many others who we walked with in worship, fellowship and service is delightful.

So I cooked up Crystal Poulin's Chicken Parmesan and had a great meal. I also enjoyed a walk down memory lane. Maybe it is time to put together a new cookbook.


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