Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter at First Baptist Norwich

The congregation was abuzz as people streamed in for our Easter Celebration. There were over 200 people present as we came together to celebrate Easter morning in a music filled service. Our choir opened the service with an introit and Bob Walker greeted us with the news that Christ had risen. Then our special Easter band accompanied Adele at the organ as we sang "Christ the Lord is Risen Today."

A beautiful display of memorial flowers provided the backdrop for the service and the scent of fresh flowers filled the air. You can see it in this video of Sarah and Rachel Lord performing a liturgical dance to the song, "There is None Like You."

Over twenty children came forward for the Children's Time and we had some fun playing with balloons. Then the kids headed down stairs and the service continued. The great music continued as Patricia Ohlund and Shawn Rucker sang a beautiful duet titled, "Pie Jesu."

Our choir shared an anthem titled, "Christ is Risen." After a time of prayer we sang the hymn "Morning has Broken" to set the stage for my message. Preaching from John's Gospel, I talked about Mary's faith and how she came to Jesus on the dark night of her soul. It was then that he appeared to her. For Mary it was the dawn of hope. Today we have that same hope because of the resurrection. You can read the entire sermon on our web page.

We closed the service by singing "He Arose" and had some fun with it as we turned in our pews and shared the good news with the world outside. It was a good day.

Here's hoping you had a happy Easter too!


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