Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday morning at FBC

The cold wave subsided for a day and the temper- atures outside rose to the low fifties. Inside the church there was plenty of warmth too. We welcomed back Stacia Green and got to meet her daughter, Alana. During the service Stacia and Gwyn sang "The Old Rugged Cross" as a duet for special music. The choir sang a new variation of an old tune, "Amazing Grace," and we asked for prayers for many friends and co-workers. My message today called on the congregation to think of themselves as tools that God could use to share his love.

After church we hosted a jewelry sale. Lyn Edwards brought in some of his inventory and offered us a percentage of the proceeds for the mission trip. Lisa Lapointe also offered her services and gave haircuts and trims to any who wanted one for a donation to the mission trip fund.

At 2:00 p.m. a group of us went to the Spirit of Broadway Theater to see Shawn Rucker and the cast of "How Can You Run With a Shell on Your Back." It was a great show and a good end to a morning/afternoon at church.


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