Friday, February 6, 2009

Our musicians lead in so many ways.

Last night we had choir rehearsal. We normally meet on Tuesdays but because of the snow we postponed it until Thursday. It was a good rehearsal. Choir is always fun. Maybe it is the music. Maybe it is Adele. Maybe it is the people. Maybe it is God singing with us. It is one of the best times we have to offer at church.

Adele mentioned that she is going to have surgery and will be away for a couple of weeks. The music committee and choir began making plans for the gap. Lori Lord and Cynthia Strouse agreed to fill in on the piano and work with the choir for those weeks. Adele's absence falls right when we are hosting the Lenten service and the Praise team offered to provide the special music for that service. We will be praying that everything goes well and that she will be back quickly.

The choir really is a vital institution within our church life. Not only does it include so many dedicated people within the congregation, it is also a group that helps me set the tone in leading worship. They lead the singing and help us focus on God. They provide inspiration. I always feel good because if my preaching falls a little short, I know people will still leave blessed because they have heard the choir praise God in song.

Our Praise team also plays a vital role in our worship life. If you hadn't noticed them before, on Sunday, March 1st they will take center stage. They will actually lead the worship service. In lieu of inviting in a guest preacher, we will have a special music and praise service led by Fred, Gwyn, Steve, June, and Penny. They have also invited Cheryl Dutumble and her dad, Paul Johnson to join them as they mix in four of five songs with stories about the goodness of god. It should be a good day. We have pushed our regular celebration of communion back a week until March 8th.

So now you have some thing special to look forward to. It should be a great day.


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