Sunday, February 22, 2009

A big send off in worship

This morning we made the final preparations for our mission trip to Mexico. During our worship service we prayed for and then commissioned our team as they head off to Mexico this week. Steve Contois and our praise team sang a song to set the tone titled, "Praise Him." Then member of last year's team, Carol Calkins, Sharon Fishkin and Connie Jensen, distributed gift bags to each of the members of this year's team. Pastor Michelle Madsen Bibeau prepared them for us and put in little goodies that we can use on the trip.

Curt Brockway led us in the prayer as the whole congregation gathered around the team members and laid hands on them. It was a moving moment that reminded us that we are all a part of God's mission. Then I distributed friendship bracelets to the children and talked about praying for our friends, old and new.

The choir sang "Fairest Lord Jesus" and I talked about mountaintop experiences in my sermon. I noted how many of us see worship as a mountaintop experience that helps us connect to God so we can get through the week. I noted that for those of us who have gone on previous mission trips, we had that same kind of exhilaration that Peter, James and John had on the mount of Transfiguration. Yet, Jesus stated that we weren't meant to stay on the mountain. Our job is to share the good news, the hop with the people in the valleys of life.

We had a number of family members and friends joining us for the service and it turned out to be a very good day.


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