Thursday, April 3, 2008

Learning together

C. S. Lewis was a deep thinker. He really thought about his faith and what it meant to be a Christian. I don't think many of us do that nowadays. We go to church. We have a nominal understanding of Scripture and tradition and we are off. We let the culture tell us what to believe and often decide that what seems good is probably what God would want us to do.

At the Bible Study tonight we talked about forgiveness and what it means to love our neighbor as ourself. It was a great discussion. We also affirmed that we grow in faith when we are able to talk about it with people who are like minded. Everyone should be in a Bible study of some sort if they want to develop a vital faith.

This study of C S Lewis is good and newcomers are always welcome. The group meets at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday nights at the home of Steve and Patricia Ohlund.


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