Friday, March 27, 2009

Using what we have for God

Buenas Nuevas held a youth concert at church tonight. They invited several other congregations to join them. The thought hit me that this young church feels at home in our building. We have done a good job in showing them our hospitality.

Now I know that we bear the brunt of expenses for keeping the building up and running. But I like to think that we have this building to worship in because others have paid the price for us. We didn't build it. We didn't do anything to deserve it. We inherited it from those who went before us. So now we can take this resources and use it for God's glory.

When 150 Hispanic kids are praising God on a Friday night, I think we have done a great thing. All we did was open the door and let God into the house. The truth is that ministry happens whenever we take what God has given us and let him use the way he sees fit. We get blessed because we get a front row seat.


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