Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wider Church Wednesday

Yesterday was Wider Church Wednesday. Almost everything I did had a connection to the wider church. I began the day working on our newsletter. I focused on a couple of articles that looked at the ministry we do in the community. Then I drove across town to a meeting at the Chancery for a meeting with the Annual Way of the Cross committee.

I spent a good part of the rest of the day in Hartford. I stopped in to visit and pray for newborn Christian Fitchett and his mom at Connecticut Children's Medical Center. He was having tests after a scary episode last Sunday. Jerry and Joan were hoping to go home today.

I spent the afternoon at the ABCCONN Office on Bloomfield Avenue in my role as Personnel Committee Chairman for our American Baptist Churches. Chairing this committee is the job of the immediate past President of ABCCONN and that's me. Anyway, we scheduled a time for staff to come in and do a self evaluation on how they had done with their goals for the previous year. I believe it turned out to be a very affirming experience for the staff. We got a chance to celebrate the ministry they do on our behalf.

I came back to Norwich to sit in on a Norwich Church Softball League meeting and then finished the day at our basketball game against St. Johns. Fred Greens FBC Ballers won 38 -29 and upped their record to 5-1.


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