Wednesday, January 16, 2008

All time lists

Lists are fun so I thought I would share a few FBC lists with you this morning. Later this year we are going to have fun with the fact that I will move into first place as the longest tenured Pastor of First Baptist Church. Beginning in May we will have articles, skits and funspots about the top ten in FBC history. so here is the first list. Pastoral Service rank:

1. John Sterry 1800-1823 23 years 3 months
2. Clayton Lord Jr. 1985 - present 22 years 7 months
3. * William Palmer 1824- 1834, 1840-45 15 years 6 month (two stints)
4. Percy Aquila Kilmister 1929 - 1943 14 years
5. Walter Schoepfer 1957 - 1967 10 years
6. Herbert Wise 1897 - 1906 9 years
7. George H. Strouse 1913- 1921 8 years
8. A. S. Brown 1889- 1897 8 years
9. Vernon Price 1968-1976 8 years
10. R. K. Ashley 1861- 1869 8 years
11. Douglas Howell 1977- 1983 6 years
12. Walter Loomis 1944-1951 6 years
13. Amos Spaulding 1870-1876 6 years
14. Edward Dunbar 1922- 1928 6 years
15. Charles Weaver 1855-1861 6 years

How about Church Moderators? Thist list is easy. It only goes back to the 60's. Prior to a By-Laws Change in 1964 the Pastor always served as Moderator of church meetings. Charles P. Hamblen, Headmaster of Norwich Free Academy was our first moderator. Attorney George H. Strouse Jr. was our second. In 1988 we began using term limits. In 1994 we actually put a three year limit on service as the Moderator.

Charles P. Hamblen 1964- 1976
George H. Strouse Jr. 1976- 1988
George W. Strouse 1988 -1990
Harry B. Eisan 1991- 1993
George J. Rezendes Jr 1994-1995
Tom P. Bell 1996-1997
George J. Rezendes Jr. 1998
Curtis J. Brockway 1999-2001
Nancy D. Allen 2002- 2004
George W. Strouse 2005-2007

I'll add some more lists later on. If you have one you'd like to see I will try to research it and get an answer for you.

One more quickie that I can expand upon is church organist. I can name the top two without even looking.

Annie Cowen 1919 - 1966 47 Years
Adele DiBiagio Cofer 1980 -Present 28 years

cal :-)

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