Monday, January 21, 2008

A hospital call

This morning I got a call that one of our members, Jean, had a heart attack over the week-end and was transported to Yale New Haven Hospital. So after I got things in order at church I took the trip down Route 95. I've made this trip a number of times over the years. Most of our folks go to Backus Hospital for routine surgery or emergency care. Yet over the years I have often been called to visit folks at hospitals in Hartford, New Haven, New London, Westerly and even Boston. If you are there, then I will try to visit you.

I go to bring a sense of God's presence to the people. The truth is that God is already there. But when the Pastor goes, it reminds people that God cares and He is there watching over them. I know that was true for me when I was in the hospital a year ago. I had visits from the Hospital Chaplain as well as our Executive Minister, Judy Allbee. Their prayers reinforced what I already knew.

Sometimes I don't make it to the hospital when someone from the congregation is in. It can lead some to think I don't care. The truth is that I don't always know when someone is a patient at Backus or one of the other hospitals. There is no system in place to alert us. The only way I know is if you or a family member calls the office to tell me. I don't usually visit the hospital unless I know someone is in there. Today most stays are so short, that when I do find out through the grapevine, you are probably already home.

So it is always a good policy to let me know when you are going into the hospital. If I can, I will try to get out and pray for you before your surgery. At the very least I can add you to my prayers and get in to see you afterwards as you begin the healing process.

By the way, Jean is stable and covets your prayers. For many years she was the one at church who led our mid week prayer group and sent cards to those who were facing difficulties. Now let's return the favor and keep her in our prayers.


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