Sunday, August 22, 2010

Celebrating with the Kane Family

The best part of being an ordained minister is the fact that you get to be there and actually participate in the special moments of peoples lives. On Saturday I had a front row seat for the wedding of Cassie Kane and Brandon Frechette. I watched as Mark Kane walked his daughter down the aisle and gave her away. I witnessed the heartfelt exchange of wedding vows between this young couple and saw tears of joy in his mother's eyes.

The wedding took place on the shore of Ocena Beach Park in New London. Mark Kane had built an a lovely canopy for them to stand under and Brandon's grandmother sewed the cloth covering for it. Brandon's brothers joined Cassie brother, Mark and a few friends as groomsmen on one side and several of Cassie's good friends stood up for her as bride's maids. Julia Rogers, Summer Barber and Rylan Bolin were the flower girls and ring bearer.

Priscilla and Nicole passed out the programs to everyone who came. It was a beautiful setting for a wedding. Several spectators joined the fun and watched the ceremony. One of Cassie's friends sang for us. I integrated a few Native American touches to honor Brandon's Nipmuk heritage. The couple wrote their own vows and shared them with each other.

After the service we all went over to the Port & Starboard Hall for the party. It was so nice to see the family together and enjoying the evening. The Father daughter dance always gets me. Maybe that's because I see myself in every dad. As I said, this is the best part of ministry. It is the blessing of being part of the God's family.


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