Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Preparations for Christmas Eve

On Monday morning I worked on pulling all the pieces of the Christmas Eve Family service together. I had all the basics laid out. Lori Lord had arranged special music. Adele DiBiagio and the choir had an anthem planned. The Praise Team had been working with Adele to close out the service with the singing of Silent Night. The Flower Committee had arranged the display on the platform to accommodate our nativity. Roy Bourque had agreed to come in and set up lighting to accent our program. The only thing left to do was adapt the Christmas Eve service I found on line to fit what we wanted to do.

I spent the first hour modifying the service and adding in our special music. By the time I finished, the service was looking pretty good. Roy came in this morning and we set up the lighting. It will feature two spots on the characters and one that will highlight the manger. Adele and I experimented with the sanctuary lighting and made some decisions on how to set the levels for the service. Then at choir rehearsal we worked out some more of the logistics with the music and participants. I also got some volunteers to take part on the service.

I can't wait until Christmas Eve. The service should be very inspirational as we gather to revisit the greatest story ever told. The best part of it all is that we get to do it twice on Christmas eve.

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