Our choir got things started with an introit that rocked the house. It was titled, "Celebrate." Lori Lord was the worship assistant and she greeted us all and invited us to welcome our neighbors. Then we moved into the baptism where Lisa Lapointe professed her faith.
Baptism is a beautiful way to express what god is doing in our lives. Over the years we have heard many stories from people who have seen God work miracles and seen people come forward in this service. After Lisa was baptized the congregation broke out in applause just as I am sure the angels were doing in heaven. We also got applause as we welcomed Cheryl Dimmock and Rachelle Weimer into membership along with Lisa. Curt Brockway extended the right hand of Christian Fellowship to them on behalf of the congregation.
There was lots of special music today. Rachel, Sarah and Rachel Lord sang their trio again and this time it was even better than the first time they did it on Christmas Eve. Our choir sang "Rejoice for Christ is Born" and it was great. Our Praise team sang "Blessed Be" and we even had a mini carol sing.
It was a great day.
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