Sunday, October 18, 2009

Worshipful Wednesdays

On Wednesday night we met for worship again. The Praise team led us in singing and then I continued with my next message in my series on the Lord's Prayer. This week the focus was on the hallowed nature of God's name. Sometimes we forget just how Holy God is. We take him for granted. I called on us to remember to keep God's name Holy.

The funny thing with this series of sermons is that you don't need to go every week in order to understand what I'm talking about. They are stand alone messages. We've averaged 18 people each week and it has been a meaningful time of worship. Some of the folks work on Sunday and can't get to church every week and they've made this their worship time. We've also put out the offering plate and people have been making contributions.

We close each week with a time of prayer. That's been nice. I think it is the best part of our worship time. We take turns praying after everyone has shared their praise and prayers. If you haven't joined us yet, why not drop in this week. We meet each week at 7:00 p.m.


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