Thursday, October 22, 2009

A typical Thursday at FBC

This morning I started the day with a trip to the Post office and a visit to Central Baptist Church. That was followed by an hour of stuffing envelopes with Yolanda Charles. Sandy Stone was out of the office today and Yolanda volunteered to help us get out the first letters in this year's stewardship campaign.

I left just before noon for another clergy meeting in New London. This group meets once a month and talks about ministry in the 21st century. It's a great group. After the meeting I stopped at L & M Hospital to visit Bob Johnson. He was there for tests after an episode two days again. I ran from there to BJ's to get some church supplies and then made my way back to church where I met with Len Goldberg, the administrator of the Pierce Baptist Home.We had some last minute details to go over regarding the Annual Meeting of the Board next year.

I was a good day. As you say your prayers tonight, can you please keep the following people in your thoughts. I forgot to say that I spent the first 20 minutes in prayer at the start of the day and I'm ending it here with more prayers.

Penny Sargent, Monique DuFour, Christian Fitchett, Bob Johnson, Logan, Tina and Curtis Royce, Jean Roscoe, Doris Adams, Judy Milligan, Bob Hall, Lisa Lapointe, Luis Pabon, Lori Lord, Michelle Lord, Central Baptist Church & their pastoral search, our mission Mexico team,, Carl Soderberg and others.


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