Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sunday School opens next weeko

Sunday School opens with our Rally Day Celebration one week from tomorrow on Sunday, September 13 at 9:15 a.m. Come see what we have planned for the coming year. You’ll discover that Sunday School is not just for kids. It is for the whole family. We will open the year with a reception featuring punch, coffee and goodies, Registration tables will be set up so we can get all
the vital information and tell everyone who their teachers are and where they will be meeting.
After everyone has grabbed a treat, we will assemble for a brief welcome by Lori lord and our opening ceremony. Then we will head off to classes.

We are delighted to announce this year’s Sunday School Staff and
welcome some new faces who will be helping us this year.

The Nursery Class - Rosie Main and Sandra Lucien
Grades K - 2 Rachelle Weimer, Janet LaFlamme and Zelda Earle
Grades 3 - 5 Pam Kane & Kelly Bolin
Middle School/High School Cal Lord and Sarah Lord
Adult Bible Study - Curt Brockway
Alpha Study Course - Cliff Vanase

Regular attendance at Sunday School is important but it is not mandatory. We would like all of our people, young and older, to join us when it is possible. If your family situation or work schedule will not allow you to be present every week, we still want you to feel welcome to join us when you are able to attend. Sunday School provides all of us with a basic understanding of
what the Bible says and teaches us the stories that help us grow in our faith. There is no greater
gift a parent can give a child, than a basic Christian education. Our teachers work hard at making the classes interesting and fun. Most kids look forward to coming back week after week.

We also want to encourage our kids to invite their friends to Sunday School this year. Our Sunday School is not limited to the members of the church. It is here for everyone to enjoy as part of our witness to the community. If your kids have a friend who would like to come, why not offer to pick them up and bring them? They will thank you later.

Lori Lord has agreed to do opening exercises this year. She will greet everyone at 9:15 a.m. each week with singing and a Bible Quiz. At about 9:30 a.m., after all the introductions of newcomers and the celebration of birthdays and other happy events, we will break up into classes. Most weeks the classes will last about 45 minutes. We are hoping that once a month each of the classes can take a break and work on some kind of craft project. If anyone feels called to help us with crafts, please speak to Pam Kane or the Pastor. At 10:15 a.m. each week the classes will be dismissed and the children will be sent to the chapel or Fellowship Hall to find their parents.

We have two options for the adults this year. Curt Brockway will meet in the parlor with those who want to study the Gospel of Luke. This is a great Bible study with lively discussion.

We will also offer a course for those who want to get their feet wet in a Bible study. You might call it Bible Study for beginners. Cliff Vanase will teach this course using some materials from the Alpha Course. Have you ever thought, “I come to church but I don’t really understand what it is all about?” If so, this class is for you. It will answer questions like:

* Is there more to life than this?
(previously Christianity: Boring, Untrue and Irrelevant?)
* Who is Jesus?
* Why did Jesus die?
* How can we have faith?
* Why and how do I pray?
* Why and how should I read the Bible?
* How does God guide us?
* Who is the Holy Spirit?
* What does the Holy Spirit do?
* How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?
* How can I resist evil?
* Why and how should I tell others?
* Does God heal today?
* What about the church?
* How can I make the most of the
rest of my Life?

So let's start the year off right and come together for Sunday School.

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