Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our Deacons met last week

On Thursday, September 17 our Deacons met to talk about our ministry. Each of them had been given a book to read at the last meeting and came back to give a brief report on at this meeting. The books gave suggestions on making newcomers feel welcome, shepherding ministry programs and more. We even had a couple of books looking at the types of ministries that shape churches and one that defined the role of the deacon historically.

At the meeting we also voted to distribute Thanksgiving baskets again this year and to have two Christmas Eve services. The last thing we touched on was finding ways to celebrate the ministry of those who make significant contributions to the church family.

The Deacons meet every month to talk about the spiritual life of the congregation. We debrief worship and critique it when it needs doing. We plan special events in the life of the congregation and meet prospective new members and candidates for believer's baptism. The Deacons also have a fund which is available to help individuals going through a crisis. The bulk of the money is collected each month at the time of our communion celebration. Some folks give to the fund regularly with their weekly offerings. Others give special gifts in memory of loved ones or to honor someone who has blessed them.


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