Friday, December 12, 2008

The spirit of giving.

The flu bug does not discriminate. It doesn't matter how many things you have on your calendar. No one is above catching it. I was offered a flu shot a couple of times but foolishly was either too busy or felt too invincible to get one. Then my world came crashing to a halt. I missed several meetings and an opportunity of a lifetime to help out at the Extreme Home Makeover. I was in bed one whole day and a good part of two others now. Although I am making progress, I am still a bit woozy.

Anyway I just wanted to say how proud I am of our Extreme Hom Makeover volunteers. The ones I know of include Erica Corbett, Lisa Lapointe, Steve & Patricia Ohlund and Shawn Rucker. I know that they were as blessed as were the recipients, the Girard family. Giving to others is a great feeling. I think it is something that God built into our spiritual DNA. Have you ever noticed that miserly people are always grumpy? The people with generous spirits are always happy. They are living their purpose.

I'd like to suggest that all of us give ourselves a big gift for Christmas and the new year. Let's try to find ways to be kind, loving, giving and courteous to the people we know. Let's practice random acts of kindness each week to people we know and those we don't know. I think we will not only bless others but it will come back to us. What do you think?

God bless. Pray for me. I am going back to bed for a couple hours.


PS If you have the flu I suggest you "not" pass that on. That's part of the reason I am laying low this week. I don't want to share this with anyone.

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