After she was baptized I gave Rosie a red rose, purchased with money given in memory of our Missionaries Francis and Gertrude rose. They were missionaries to the Philippines who lost their lives in World War II. The rose reminds us that as beautiful as the gift of life in Christ is, there are thorns, there are challenges which will often leave us discouraged and feeling hurt. But then I charged Rosie to put her focus on Christ and he will carry her through.
The Praise team followed up the baptism with a song that Fred Green wrote called, "Even When Our Feet Are Dirty." It was very nice. Curt Brockway called for the offering and offered a prayer while I finished changing in the back.
Then I came out and talked about the palms with the children. We all got to walk on them just like Jesus did. It was fun. The kids told me the people put them down in front of him so he wouldn't get dirty. They did it because they loved him. And we waved our palms too.
The choir sang about Jesus triumphant entry and I talked about his humility that flowed out of his love for us. We also welcomed Amy Rezendes and Rosie Rakowitz into membership as Curt Brockway extended the right hand of fellowship to them on our behalf.
Finally we enjoyed the fourth installment of the JPS Man. Nicodemus (George Strouse) and Joseph of Arimethia (Curt Brockway) talked with him about Jesus and the cross. Joseph of Damascas (Steve Contois) and Joseph of Norwich (Randy Sargent) also had cameo appearances.
After church Mark Kane hosted the coffee hour. It was a very good day.
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